Gitshock Wallet Main Features

The main feature of this wallet will be:

a. Markets View

In this market page, there are three main features;

➢ Overview

This feature will allow users to watch general crypto market live price, its market capitulation, 24H volume, top daily 1000 gainers and top losers. Users will be able to read some recent crypto news from this wallet.

➢News Feeds

This feature will let users know some recent updated news about the cryptocurrency industry from various credible sources.

➢Watch lists

Users can put their favorite crypto assets to these lists.

b. Balance view

This page will allow users to see their total wallet balance in different networks and make transactions.

c. Customized token’s logo display

Users are able to list their own project’s logo in Gitshock’s Wallet with an affordable listing fees.

d. Token Swap

Token swap feature allows user to swap their tokens in chain and execute smart contracts call directly through the platform.

e. Crypto purchasing by debit/credit card

Gitshock Wallet also will provide a gateway for user to buy cryptocurrency via debit/credit card.

f. DApps Integration

Gitshock wallet will intergrate web3 Dapps with user’s wallet to let users enjoy DApps. Developers are able to list their own DApps into Gitshock Featured DApps in its Web3 browser session.

Last updated